Conversation Between Lord Humongous and RHDEG6
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Lord Humongous
    01-18-2015 07:21 PM
    C'mon prison bitch...haven't forgotten about you
  2. Lord Humongous
    07-25-2014 02:09 PM don't come back anymore
  3. Lord Humongous
    05-22-2014 11:35 AM
    How's probation?
  4. Lord Humongous
    04-15-2014 04:14 PM
    Where you at bro? Embarrassed?
  5. Lord Humongous
    01-26-2014 02:39 PM
    How's jail faggle? Enjoy getting your butthole stretched?
  6. Lord Humongous
    01-09-2014 06:16 PM
    How's jail and parole faggle?
  7. Lord Humongous
    11-07-2013 08:19 PM
    Aw ww...someone's court case didn't go so well
  8. RHDEG6
    10-21-2012 09:26 AM
    your so much better than me, youve said the same thing 1000 times. your comparing your life to someone half your age, does that really make you feel better? if so then you really are a pathetic person... you must have got picked on your whole life so now that your older you feel the need to pick on others to hide your insecurity
  9. Lord Humongous
    10-21-2012 09:06 AM
    You obviously do or you wouldn't keep trying to justify it.

    I'm better than you and always have been and will be.
  10. RHDEG6
    10-21-2012 08:58 AM
    i honestly dont car what you think, i dont even know you and you dont know me. your an old guy who likes to pick on people over the internet... you're SOOOOOO cool

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