Conversation Between JacKal and drifterXXX
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
And man, by the way, I haven't Cried since my Father died. And You bitches around here could make me mad. But As I and everyone else has pointed out... I've been around since 2004 and I`ve watched this place go from the amazing "dragva" to the soft and cuddly little hipster kitten bitch made tight jean wearing "vadriven" that it is today. And that sucks, there is more politics then car building, and more people staring at the computer screen then working on there car. So I'm not mad, sad, or crying. Just really disappointed everytime I visit.
I think you just like me.
You clearly can't read with your eyeballs so osmosis is the next viable option. Fuck it lets see what happens it couldnt make you any more retarded.
Why? I can`t read with my asshole, and I don`t learn through osmosis. And why do I need a thesaurus when I have everyone else around here to correct me? Works out just fine.
That's now how you spell breath. I want to fist you with a thesaurus. Moron.
Thread is fixed. The dick breathe isn't mine, that's your upper lip.
Stop acting like a little bitch and fix your fucked up ad. It's not our fault you can't read dickbreath