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Need a couple parts painted...

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Old 07-21-2009, 07:12 PM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

-Yea, so gonna go ahead and step in right now and give our side of the story since youve let yours out. I feel I need to do at least that. Im not pissed off with you or anything and dont hate you or some shit., but I at least think a counter strike is in order. Now i normally I wouldnt as I dont own the shop, Joey does and its up to him in the end. But weve all worked too damn hard to please everyone and make people happy and to give the shop the high vote of confidence that it deserves. and the fact that everyone bent the hell over backwards to make you happy, and even that didnt work. Everybody was fed up in the end. And you were that 1 customer that was impossible to please even though we tried.

Yes I'm leaving lots of details out so here goes

1. I was quoted $2000 by a member of this site to paint the car because they wanted to get a "higher end" car through the shop that would get them notariety in the area... take them beyond civics etc. I hadn't made my mind up on a painter and my business was courted for lack of a better word.

-I quoted you that. No big deal. But theres also things your leaving out to be explained in number 2. We didnt want a HIGHER END CAR,its a vette, who cares. same as a civic to me. we wanted a well known DOMESTIC guy to come in with a project like yours to advertise to the domestic crowd since most of the business was imports and insurance, You were it and we were definitely excited about the project and to get the name out to the domestic crowd

2. My car got in the shop and the amout of work was more than they'd figured so the price jumped to $3000, but man that was still pushed to me as a great deal even though the original price was $2000... turns out one hand wasn't talking to the other.

-Actually NO,and if you saved your pms you will could go back and read them. that $2000 that was quoted was for you to do everything, and since your buddy was helping you do everything , you said that would be no problem.. Bodywork, prime,Prep etc was supposed to be done and we would do a final onceover and all Joey had to do was buy the material and paint the car. But of course that was not the case. the bodywork was no good, theres was spraycan primer and that was not ok. Than came the discrepancies of you wanting everything painted seperate, thats alot of panels, and yellow is a crazy color to do that with, and you know we plead our argument alot.

3. The guys did a great job fixing some of the custom body work, no doubt there. No issues there. My roof corners weren't perfect and I didn't like the way my buddy filled the quarter panels so I had SoM re-do them w/ the proper materials and that work was top notch.

-Yea, your damn right, we did fix them and didnt put freaking straight fiberglass onto raw smc, we used the correct chemicals and a piece of smc to back it, AND I FIXED YOUR RIDICULOUSLY F'D UP ROOF, for NOT A DAMN DIME extra charge, I spent 6 hours straightening that thing, than priming it than getting it ready , you wanted that car to go in the booth and be sprayed JUST LIKE THAT. Well, that was not going to happen to our standards cause it was definitely hacked up from when you and your buddy did it.

4. My car came out of paint all different colors. The clear coat consistency was a joke, there was trash throughout the paint, and the under part of the rockers wasn't covered at all. Turns out shop didn't have much experience w/ yellow and only put down 2 base coats.

-YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME BRIAN. WE TOLD YOU THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN 4 TIMES, OVER AND OVER, AND YOU REFUSED TO BELIEVE US and said to spray it anyway. we know the product that we were spraying, we knew it was going to happen just because of the nature of yelllow and you said to spray everything seperate anyway. Joey told you he wasnt going to respray the car if it came out not matching perfect, even though he did end up spraying the car again just to make you happy which was impossible, even though we were right. You straight up said to me in the bay of the shop, AND I FREAKING QUOTE THIS." damn, I should have listened to you guys, cause it doesnt match up".... WE TOLD YOU THAT WOULD HAPPEN !! No experience spraying yellow, are you kidding me. come on. I guess you missed the off body restoration build thread I posted of a 69 vette that Joey and I did that was bumble bee yellow and would piss all over any other yellow paint job out there. It was absolutely perfect and gorgeous and thats what your was supposed to be. Now granted, we dont have the best booth in the world, trash does happen and the proper steps are taken to get it out and make the panel flat and smooth. As far as the rockers, I will agree with you, the bottom side of the car that youll never see does tend to get less paint on it than parts that you will see, so that was an overlooked mistake.we didnt have the car jacked 5 feet in the air so getting under it was kinda tough.

5. Shop gets into a "I told you so" game because they had wanted to paint the car w/ all the panels together. This would have left paint lines and was not what I wanted or agreed to. I was going to pull my car from the shop prior to the paint job, but shop owner siad "F it, we'll get it right... I can do it." or somethign to that effect.

-BS, we told you a million times that we didnt want to spray it with the panels off, because of the nature of yellow, I told you, Joey told you, Mike told you, hell i think even the mouse who lives behind the dumpster told you. Now if Joey told you, F IT, well do it. Well than I apoligize.

6. Shop agrees to re-do the car for more money over and above the $3000. Now I'm sort of up shits creek w/o a paddle so I agree to have them re-spray the car for another $1500.

-And thats fair if you ask me, If the person painting your car or doing a service for you tells you something needs to be done a certain way with the product they are using and you refuse to believe it and say do it anyway even after being warned multiple times. How is that the fault of the person who did it, granted, he should have just told you No, you dont want to listen fine. Take it elsewhere and not done it, and that probably would have saved him alot of stress and you as well. all im saying is Joey should not have to come out of pocket to buy another gallon of cromapremier base and clear and reprep the car and spray it again for absolutely nothing.

Car comes out the wrong color after having so much paint put on it.

-Again,no shit, you cant lay tons of paint on panels that dont match already and expect them to match, the darker panels will get darker, the lighter panels will stay lighter. paint builds up and adds tint, adding more of the same color isnt going to even things out.

The orange peel is ridiculous and I'm told wet sanding isn't included and is extra. I also find some of the areas taped off to be painted black were not laid out well at all, very wavey taping. I pointed it out to shop ower and I was told, "Oh... well that was really hard to do." I pay them another $750 and agree to pay the rest when it was 100% done to my liking.

-The only thing I have to comment on is the orange peel comment. Nothing Joey does has ridiculous orange peel, the guy is an amazing painter. The other thing about the tape lines I cannot comment on cause i dont know, wasnt there when that happened.
- Those panels were so slick when they came out of the booth it was ridiculous. Than I sat and watch joey sand and buff every panel that he did and make it even more perfect. He did it all,he was determined as hell to make your car absolutely perfect and make you happy, but by this time I think we were all fed up, and I wasnt even the one dealing with you that much.

7. After this I eat $3750 of my own money for poor quality work. As I'm putting the car back together I notice what looks like air bubbles/distortion in the clear. It looked like if you put clear acrylic over yellow sand. Basically... when the car was re-repainted the base coat didn't cover the clear coat properly and it was showing through the final clear coat... basically I couldn't put the car back together with the paint in that condition. SoM wanted even more money to keep working on the car and by that time it needed to be stripped and re-done.

Yes, it did need to be stripped, you cant paint a car over and over within a matter of a few days cause the solvents havent had time to release, it can totally react with the next coat that goes on top, if i remember correctly Joey told you this but you had a timeline you wanted it done in. Again, He should have just said NO, but his main goal this entire time was to make you happy and he was going to do what he could.

8. Auto Elite took care of the car, stripped it down and panel painted the car and got it all matching w/o issue. I spent another $5000 with Auto Elite to re-do the job that SoM couldn't do properly in the first place.

-Well no argument, auto elite does good work and that Brian is cool. Disagree with the other comment. almost guarantee you that car was not stripped down. lightly coated and cleared. done.

I took my car to SoM because my business was courted and I'd seen a few members cars on here that looked great. Turns out my expectations of show quality couldn't be met.

-That i will have to disagree with , Show quality it was.Superior show quality. Supergallactic exomorphinism catastrophenticular miraculousness impossible perfection is what you were expecting that no one could achieve, i personally think you just didnt want to pay for anything.

Not sure what else you're implying that I've left out, but I'm more than happy to discuss the issues w/ anyone. The job on my car was botched from the start when one person who supposedly worked for the shop was quoting prices to me. Shop owner used that to back out of the original price quote and kept on upping the price and in the end the work wasn't acceptable.

-Again that was me, I work with Joey and Mike. I dont work for Joey all the time, I work for myself most of the time doing paint work since I have another full time career and cant be there every single day, I work for Joey when he needs me and/or when we go into a mutual project or customer car together and are working on the same car for a customer. EX: Ill be doing a color change on a car, Ill do the bodywork, prep. Joey will buy the paint and spray it since well, hes a better painter than I am and less things to worry about and since its his shop he wants his talents to be used on it as well to again ensure quality. when the cars all done we split up the remainder of the money. I bring work into that shop for him to have and do when im swamped. Also all my customers and contacts become his when it comes to insurance work or other things. He allows me to do my side work at the shop since its a mutual benefit to the both of us and since weve been friends for a really long time. I have a place to work and make money, he has generated business coming in from people who know me as well. My customers are covered under the same warranties and the work is held to the same standard, I dont put out shit work cause it is SOM work and is so. I have learned and still learn alot from Joey, I look up to him as a painter and for good reason. I can shit on half the painters around this area, Joey can take two shits on most of em. Hence why I look up to him for learning things and becoming a better painter myself. Joey is stock or modified, my work is stock or modified, I am a partner in the shop and do the best I can to make the name known and to keep business coming for him and I. I do 99 percent of the internet pricing for the shop, people message me all the time , like you did to get quotes. I discuss them with Joey, we agree on a price .price quotes are given. It works cause were honest guys and keep it that way, I am blessed to be able to work with Joey and for all that he does for me, And he appreciates what I do for him. Why do you think people love us, cause were not full of bullshit, were honest and do work the best of our ability. As for the pricing of your car,a base price is never a guarantee, especially when were told that all these things will be done and they arent like in your case, things changed, Joey had the final say in it and that was beetween the two of you, you could have just left if you wanted to.

WE DO GREAT WORK, WE ARE AWESOME and glad that that one customer that was impossible to please is now out of the way, future is looking good.

And for the record, I would thank you for not posting stuff up for the last however long it has been cause its been a good run, cause your right, no good can really come of it and both our sides of the story can be seen differently. Only advantage about ours is we have some of it recorded. And sue us, are you kidding me, you owe joey money still if you want to get technical. There is no Standard in the paint industry as far as finish goes, people go to maaco all the time and never say a word and the work there is complete crap in my opinion. The standard is set by people who are in the industry, either the business of doing good work and taking there time, or shops who rush shit through and dont care. if there was a real standard. ours would be HIGH. cause we do very high quality work and that is a fact. Like i said, I would thank you, but kinda pointless now cause standing idly by is something I should do, But cant, just like you did. Once again its over, and theres nothing that can be done anymore.

Originally Posted by nftuatn
nice way of putting that last post....i would have been upset with the situation also...

but i dont know all the details...i do know that yellow needs a few more coats to cover than most colors...

also why couldnt they paint the car together???

i have done many color changes on door jambs/hood/trunk etc...paint it all at once and have no tape lines...its just a matter of taping up the jambs and everywhere...and thats it...not awfully complicated...
you read it wrong, we wanted to spray the car together. First cut in the hood, doors,trunk, and whatever else. reinstall doors. etc .tape and mask off. etc. Like any other car that we do a color change on. Well that was not ok with him. He wanted no tape lines, to ensure coverage and no tape lines he wanted everything done OFF, well not all that shit can fit into the booth at one time, so multiple loads of parts had to go into the booth over a few days. we wanted to do all that shit at the same time, bumpers and such didnt have to be on the car, but the doors, fenders, quarters, trunk, etc would have been, And the other parts at least in the booth. Well that didnt happen, hence the color not matching, after he was warned.

asdkjfskdfjsdfisd'lfjlkl, it doesnt matter anyway. its all eronious at this point. But i just ate some cheesecake and had alot of calories to burn so I had to respond to his post.
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Old 07-21-2009, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

again Brian, no hating towards ya, all of us are no longer pissed about it, glad its over and passed us. I could totally understand your frustration if I was on your side, But I highly understand all of ours since I was part of it, you had your explanation, I had ours. Think were done with this now.
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Old 07-21-2009, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

i understand that perfectly...

and its fucked up if he still owes money...

learn from that...dont let a car leave until its paid in full....because as soon as they find one little tiny flaw...say a run under t e rocker...they feel as if they shouldnt pay...

make them pay in full and then if thats a problem then they can bring it back and it can be fixed/repainted...

but i learned a long time have no freinds in this business...just people looking for thousands of dollars in work for 500 bucks...
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Old 07-21-2009, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

Originally Posted by .eric.
In the past, SoM has done work for me on three different vehicles:

Honda Civic - painted various body parts
Honda Pilot - repaired/painted front end/passenger quarter
Honda S2000 - painted various body parts

All three times, I've been completely satisfied with the finished product.

Right now, my Acura TSX is up there getting the rear end repaired/painted. I'm positive that I will be satisfied with the end result once again.

There is also a Jaguar and Viper up there getting work done, so obviously they've gained some notoriety on doing great work on other vehicles than Civics.
The Viper guy got a full respray and is happy as hell joey is also doing a custom fiber glass top for his car also

Last edited by Ultracoupe; 07-21-2009 at 10:20 PM.
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Old 07-21-2009, 10:24 PM
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Cool Re: Need a couple parts painted...

Originally Posted by Cobra4B
Yes I'm leaving lots of details out so here goes:

1. I was quoted $2000 by a member of this site to paint the car because they wanted to get a "higher end" car through the shop that would get them notariety in the area... take them beyond civics etc. I hadn't made my mind up on a painter and my business was courted for lack of a better word.

2. My car got in the shop and the amout of work was more than they'd figured so the price jumped to $3000, but man that was still pushed to me as a great deal even though the original price was $2000... turns out one hand wasn't talking to the other.

3. The guys did a great job fixing some of the custom body work, no doubt there. No issues there. My roof corners weren't perfect and I didn't like the way my buddy filled the quarter panels so I had SoM re-do them w/ the proper materials and that work was top notch.

4. My car came out of paint all different colors. The clear coat consistency was a joke, there was trash throughout the paint, and the under part of the rockers wasn't covered at all. Turns out shop didn't have much experience w/ yellow and only put down 2 base coats.

5. Shop gets into a "I told you so" game because they had wanted to paint the car w/ all the panels together. This would have left paint lines and was not what I wanted or agreed to. I was going to pull my car from the shop prior to the paint job, but shop owner siad "F it, we'll get it right... I can do it." or somethign to that effect.

6. Shop agrees to re-do the car for more money over and above the $3000. Now I'm sort of up shits creek w/o a paddle so I agree to have them re-spray the car for another $1500. Car comes out the wrong color after having so much paint put on it. The orange peel is ridiculous and I'm told wet sanding isn't included and is extra. I also find some of the areas taped off to be painted black were not laid out well at all, very wavey taping. I pointed it out to shop ower and I was told, "Oh... well that was really hard to do." I pay them another $750 and agree to pay the rest when it was 100% done to my liking.

7. After this I eat $3750 of my own money for poor quality work. As I'm putting the car back together I notice what looks like air bubbles/distortion in the clear. It looked like if you put clear acrylic over yellow sand. Basically... when the car was re-repainted the base coat didn't cover the clear coat properly and it was showing through the final clear coat... basically I couldn't put the car back together with the paint in that condition. SoM wanted even more money to keep working on the car and by that time it needed to be stripped and re-done.

8. Auto Elite took care of the car, stripped it down and panel painted the car and got it all matching w/o issue. I spent another $5000 with Auto Elite to re-do the job that SoM couldn't do properly in the first place.

I took my car to SoM because my business was courted and I'd seen a few members cars on here that looked great. Turns out my expectations of show quality couldn't be met.

Not sure what else you're implying that I've left out, but I'm more than happy to discuss the issues w/ anyone. The job on my car was botched from the start when one person who supposedly worked for the shop was quoting prices to me. Shop owner used that to back out of the original price quote and kept on upping the price and in the end the work wasn't acceptable.

not worth even posting to
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Old 07-22-2009, 01:35 AM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

thats some pretty disappointing behavior being displayed by someone from stock or modified if you ask me. This part did make me laugh.

Originally Posted by MORE IMPATIENT
Originally Posted by Cobra4B
5. Shop gets into a "I told you so" ...
-BS, we told you a million times....
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Old 07-22-2009, 01:48 AM
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yea, such dissapointing behavior.seriously, give me a break. I guess youd rather hear hiim sarcastically say something about the truth to make it sound bad than actually believe it. Thats pretty dissapointing. I guess the fact that we "told him" was a bad thing in your views. That makes no sense.
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Old 07-22-2009, 02:13 AM
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You're representing a business, he is not. My comment has little to do with the idea of what you said, but rather the way you went about saying it. In my opinion, it was rather unprofessional, and a poor way to handle the situation.
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Old 07-22-2009, 03:53 AM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

Originally Posted by Vanilla Face
You're representing a business, he is not. My comment has little to do with the idea of what you said, but rather the way you went about saying it. In my opinion, it was rather unprofessional, and a poor way to handle the situation.

Well, that is understandable if you think that it was not handled properly. But on the other hand I think it was handled alot more delicately than it could have been considering the situation, I dont hate Brian or anything. Ive talked to him after the whole fiasco and everything seemed to be fine, he might hate me or all of us but I think everyone has moved on and let it go, until now, He has every right to express how he felt,and he did. Being as I was part of most of it, I felt a need to at least defend us at least a little bit . Its not like its a huge deal anymore, or like we are threatening each other or something like that, were not that childish or stupid. And, hell I dont know, I might catch hell from Joey for even responding to what Brian had said but Im willing to take that heat to at least have some sort of defense up there for us and the years that were taken off of Joeys life stressing out about what was going wrong and how to make Brian happy. Joey tries harder than any other person Ive ever seen to make every customer happy as hell, he goes to incredible lengths that I could not handle and would not put up with if I were the owner of the shop. He puts up with ridiculous demands, people with no money and probably pays and does more stuff for free than he ever should so it was just my inherent inner feeling of , "this is not right " that made me feel the need to respond. Hell Joey even used his brand new, never opened 24k gold collectors edition sata jet nr2k that cost him 800 dollars to spray Brians stuff he was that intent on making it perfect and dedicating that spray gun for Brians car. He really did lose like 2 years off his life trying his damndest, as well as all of us to make Brian happy. But in the end, it was just not so. Brian feels it was our fault, we do not. He can say something, so can I.Its not like this is going to drag on forever, its over, cant do anything about it now but maybe have a few things to say on the internet. But not going to stand by and just take the beating. The business represents itself and the work that is output from the shop, we as individuals try our hardest to be at that high of a standard as well and act accordingly, but when you are attacked. Are you not going to defend yourself, at least just a little bit. So I used BS in my reply. is that really that big of a deal or unprofessional, in your opinion, maybe so. I personally dont think so.If i were cursing all over the place and threatening people than I would definitely agreee with you. In this case. No. I used an abreviation to express frustration and disagreement.
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Old 07-22-2009, 05:13 AM
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Default Re: Need a couple parts painted...

The point is that C5s and C6s need to be painted with the panels off to be done correctly. That's what I asked for from the start. I went back and forth w/ Joey on this and he finally said that he could do it and that he panel painted a nassau blue C5 a few years back that came out great.

You're right... I did say, "I should have listened to you." when standing in the shop. Because at that time I was completely sick to my stomach looking at my pride and joy that I had spent 3 months of continuous work preping and modding. The car was horrible. At that point in time I'd have rather had tape lines and a car that matched vs. what I was left with. I had spent a large amout of money with you and it didn't come out right.

BUT- if you looked at the paint you'd see that the panels themselvs weren't fully covered, the color changed within the panel. So even painting my car all together would have resulted in varying coloration all around the car.

Then... when it was re-painted the paint wasn't laid down properly at all as described above. So even if the car had matched the quality of the paint job wasn't such that I could spend the time putting the car back together.

Paiting the car together wouldn't have solved either of these problems

You guys should have refused the job plain and simple... I was clear that I wanted a show quality paint job, all matching, painted apart. If joey felt so strongly he couldn't do it then he should have said no. He didn't... he took the job knowing my expectations.

Plus... after some serious research I learned that only putting 2 base coats down of yellow is just plain inexperience w/ the color.

Needless to say the shop that re-did it had no problems panel painting the car and getting the color to come out like the color card.

It's moot now as I've dismantled most of the car... but my bank account is nearly $10k lighter from the ordeal and 6-months of my life were pretty much ruined dealing with the stressors of getting the car done right.

At the end of the day it's all about managing customer expectations and that wasn't done.

Last edited by Cobra4B; 07-22-2009 at 05:23 AM.
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