Need job help
Need job help
I need a new job. I work construction now but they are cutting hours and not paying well and i am having a baby in june with my gf is was laid off and hasnt been able to get hired due to her being preggo. Does anybody including brothers sisters aunts uncles parents cousins work for pepsi or coke that might be able to give me info on jobs that maybe available in the 757 area. Also i would like possible career opportunities to work for fed ex or dhl. pretty much im looking to work for someone who can give me 11+ a hour. I have experience in warehouse work,retail, construction,courier work and also fork lift operator. I just need something better to help me provide for my family. Any post with helpful info is greatly appreciated.
Re: Need job help
go join the Military......paid 2 times a month guaranteed, medical, dental, housing, food, clothing, transportation. and you get paid more for having a kid and even more if you were married...... plus they get the benefits also, best option with the way the economy is.....
Re: Need job help
newport news ship yard is hiring, check paper lots of job, jail house in suffold hiring starting at 28k a year. look on craigslist and paper.
to get into pepsi and coke i tried its very hard have to know people up their
to get into pepsi and coke i tried its very hard have to know people up their
Re: Need job help
Yea thats what i was thinking about coke and pepsi once your in your good but nobody retires from that place lol. And the military is not a option im not willing to be gone away form my baby or my gf for long periods of time and missing them grow.
Re: Need job help
ya online va beach/chesapeake make 36k a year it says while your in training for 6 months, then after graduation you make like 38or 39. my cousin i cop i could find out. but i know they are always hiring.