74-55 on I-265
what bridge is that i saw a state pull a guy over on the lynnhaven overpass, 2 others on 264 by lynnhaven, 1 on the road from lynnhaven-londonbridge/fc....1 bike on the way home, and another state by witchduck
at least he was nice enough to put 74. that'll keep you from facing a reckless driving ticket. usually if you cooperate they'll let up on you a bit like that, at least the two times i could have been charged with reckless they did.
Originally posted by vasponger
what bridge is that i saw a state pull a guy over on the lynnhaven overpass, 2 others on 264 by lynnhaven, 1 on the road from lynnhaven-londonbridge/fc....1 bike on the way home, and another state by witchduck
what bridge is that i saw a state pull a guy over on the lynnhaven overpass, 2 others on 264 by lynnhaven, 1 on the road from lynnhaven-londonbridge/fc....1 bike on the way home, and another state by witchduck